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Raid Strategies

Huntsman/Midnight Let tank get aggro, stay behind boss when mounted.
Moroes Control and kill adds.
Maiden of Virtue Do not stand close to each other and dispel holy fire.
Wolf Run.
Crone Run from Tinman. (Bugged)
Romeo/Juliet Cleave, kick her, kill at the same time.
The Curator Kill adds, keep raid topped off.
Terestian Illhoof Kill cage and AoE.
Shade of Aran Kick missiles and run from arcane explosion/blizzard. Stand still during Flame Wreath.
Tenris Mirkblood TBA
Nightbane Do not stand behind him, in front of him or in a fire. Dispel what you can.
Netherspite Red tank, blue caster, green healer and switch between 2 people.
Prince Malchezaar Casters max range, watch for infernals, interrupt Shadow Blast or run when 1HP.
Gruul's Lair
High King Maulgar Kick and kill priest, enslave demons, mage spellsteals and tanks Mage, watch for Blast Wave, healers stay in range of ranks.
Gruul the Dragonkiller Spread out. Stay out of ceiling cave in.
Magtheridon's Lair
Magtheridon Kill adds, kick adds, click cubes when he casts nova.
Serpentshrine Cavern
Hydross the Unstable Tanks should really know what to do, no way around it, but damage should stop damaging when tanks are nearing the line between those 2 flags, healers heal bubbles and tanks as much as they can and damage adds.
The Lurker Below Get underwater, when he starts slowly turning around on a place and spitting shit, spread groups to kill adds, tank the melee adds.
Leotheras the Blind Run and do not damage during whirlwind then let tanks get threat, heal dots. Offtank demon boss. Kill/CC demon minions.
Fathom-Lord Karathress Spread the bosses around the perimeter. Kill Hunter->Shaman->Priest->Boss. Healers stay in range of tanks.
Morogrim Tidewalker Pally tanks adds, AoE. Run away from bubbles.
Lady Vashj Spread out to avoid Static. Stay out of middle circle. Kill all adds, root lock Strider. Kill green elementals, loot, disable shields. Stay out of sporebat poison.
Tempest Keep (The Eye)
Al'ar Tank on the platforms, get down when he is going in the ceiling, tank adds. After rebirth switch aggro between tanks when low armor, kill adds 1 by 1, do not stand near adds. Run from fire.
Void Reaver Two tanks. 1-2 ranged stay outside ring and avoid orbs. Everyone else in center.
High Astromancer Solarian Run away when you are purple. Bring adds to center and AoE, kick priests.
Kael'thas Sunstrider Kill adds, spread around all the time, lock tanks Casperian. Kill weapons, loot, activate. Kill adds again. Run from fire. Max damage when Kael uses shield barrier, soak with shield pyro. Fly around close to the ground. Spread out. Kill eggs and kite phnx.
Nalorakk (Bear) Two tanks. Pally/War for bear. Heavy heals.
Jan'alai (Hawk) AoE/Slow dragonhawks. Stay far from fire bombs.
Akil'zon (Eagle) Spread out, when it starts raining stack.
Halazzi (Lynx) Two tanks always in front of boss. Tank/nuke the lynx.
Hexxlord Jin'Zakk CC all, tank ?? mob and boss. Heal through AoE. Kick/spellsteal/purge the boss.
Zul'jin Watch for whirlwind during troll. Stack during bear for mass dispel. Stay in corner for cyclone phase. Protect targeted players during lynx.
World Bosses
Doom Lord Kazzak TBA
Doomwalker TBA
Battle for Mount Hyjal
Entire Raid Careful with how much damage ally NPCs do, can result in no loot.
Rage Winterchill Do not stand in red shit. Can interrupt.
Anetheron Disarm rotation.
Kaz'rogal Stay behind boss.
Azgalor Move out of rain of fire. If you are marked with Doom run to NPCs.
Archimonde Tank him away from a tree. Do not stand close to the tank. Use Tear a second before falling. Spread around in groups. Tremor totem for groups. Run from fire, keep away from raid.
The Black Temple
High Warlord Naj'entus Extract spine. Destroy shield with said spine when raid is topped off.
Supremus Run away from fire and volcanos. Run away from boss when he is not on tank.
Shade of Akama Kill adds.
Teron Gorefiend Heal through orb bolts and flame debuff.
Gurtogg Bloodboil Two tanks. All ranged stay farthest away when you don't have debuff, move forward when you have 2+ stacks.
Reliquary of Souls Ranged stand in a way to take bloodshit it is ranged base spell. Get it from range, come closer and someone else should take another batch. Do not overthreat during normal phase. 3 tanks optimal. When someone in your raid gets big, get away from him, heal him and do not let him die. Nuke before he returns to proper tank.
Mother Shahraz Three tanks in front of boss. Spread out. Run away from each other when teleported.
Illidari Council One tank on Veras. Tank with Pally(Gathios) move around. Kick Priest. Mage Spellsteal tanks Mage away from raid.
Illidan Stormrage Do not stand in front of him. DO NOT STAND IN FIRE. Two tanks on adds and move around, but do not get really far away from each other, do not let them breath on your raid or get zapped by eye beam. Warlock tanks demon phase, kill summoned adds. Spread around all the fucking time. When infected get to frost trap and kill parasites.
Sunwell Plateau
Kalecgos Tough fight. TBA
Sathrovarr TBA
Felmyst Tough fight. TBA
Alythess/Sacrolash Tank the melee bitch with 2 tanks. Warlocks tanks the caster bitch with fire resist. When being targeted by confraglaretetereterefgdgdgdfh get away from raid you fucking twat, we said your name twice, why the fuck you stayed here and wiped us bitch. Depending on which twin you kill first you have enraged second phase. Both easy at this point if you have managed to get there.
M'uru Kill side adds, control or die. Do not stand in anything even remotely resembling shadow. Kill big voids, kill small voids. Wipe. Kill side adds, control ffs you piece of shit, click that polymorph. Wipe. Get lucky, get to second phase. Wipe. Get lucky, get to second phase and move around with the boss. Do not get sucked by balls. Fast purge/dispel heads. Wipe. Repeat.
Kil'Jaeden Do not suck. Get vocal players. Get good leader. Do not suck. Get decent dragon players. Learn to use movement when you are suppose to move. Get 40 healers. Do not suck. And damage or you will wipe. Get warlock to tank or possibly even feral. And always remember to spread. Unless you are supposed to get into dragon bubble. Then do not spread.