- Diseases do not work in most TBC raids rendering shadow priests and DKs weak dps.
- The Crone (Wizard of Oz) can bug out or lock you in combat.
- Chess event not scripted.
- Nightbane not scripted.
Gruul's Lair
Magtheridon's Lair
- At 25% when the ceiling falls, players are unable to see it and almost always one shot. Workaround: Nuke.
- Not able to go in room without pulling/bugging.
Serpentshrine Cavern
- The Lurker Below has hit box issues. Unkillable so far.
The Eye (Tempest Keep)
- When wiping, may get stuck in combat and not able to re-enter. Workaround: Don't wipe, don't release.
Battle for Mount Hyjal
- Careful with how much damage Thrall does, can cause no loot.
The Black Temple
- Illidan is bugged and only allows 1 attempt.
Sunwell Plateau
- Kil'Jaeden is bugged and only allows 1 attempt.
- Kil'Jaeden's orbs do not work. Workaround: Kill in 2 minutes.