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Raid Points

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Our point system is an attempt to increase the chance that important loot stays among active members of the guild so that the we can progress.
Points are the guild's currency: when there's more than one person needing a drop, an auction on the item begins with a starting bid of 1 point.

Points are awarded for those participating in guild raids, or more specifically:
  • Boss = 1 point
  • New boss = 2 points
  • World boss = 3 points

Points can also be deducted for inappropriate behavior, which includes wiping of points acquired on the raid day before said deduction:
  • Not running back after wipe = -1
  • Rage quit/Leeroy = -5

Knight = 10 points
General = 50 points + leading a raid
** Note: Promotions above Knight are also based on guild necessity, attendance, and vocalization. **

Point priority:
  • Main specs will always supersede offspecs.
  • Alts may only bid/roll when a main does not need for either spec.
  • Squires can bypass the minimum 1 DKP bid until their first 10 points are earned.

Point exceptions: The following items are designated based on necessity:
  • [TBA]